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An ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) is an employee benefit plan governed and regulated by the IRS and Department of Labor. Because employees have a vested interest in the success of our Company, our employees continue to learn the critical success factors that can improve the Company, and therefore increase their share value. ESOP's have been shown to provide a competitive advantage over non-ESOP companies , with involved and committed employees, obtaining equity by providing quality products and world- class service to our Customers. There are more than 10,000 ESOP companies in the United States, however only 1000 are 100% ESOPS. Fabric Services is a proud supporter of the ESOP Community, and participates in association activities. To learn more about ESOPs and employee ownership, please visit the ESOP Association site at esopassociation.org and the National Center for Employee Ownership at nceo.org.